Passage, Paragraph, and Prayer
“Passage, Paragraph, and Prayer” is a biweekly devotional podcast. Each episode consists of a passage from the Bible, a paragraph meditating on that passage, and a closing prayer. This podcast is produced by Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Winner, South Dakota.
Podcasting since 2021 • 312 episodes
Passage, Paragraph, and Prayer
Latest Episodes
To Whom Do You Belong? (Psalm 119:94)
Even though we don’t like the idea of belonging to someone else, it’s simply a fact that everybody is the property of someone else, to one extent or another. (Think of how often you use “my” or “mine” in relation to those around you.) So when t...
Season 6
Episode 4

Swimming Against the Worldly Current (Genesis 6:9)
Noah is described as “blameless in his generations,” and that really meant something in his time.Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten,” aria from “Jesu, der du meine Seele,” BWV 78 (Leipzig, 1724).
Season 6
Episode 3

Never Forget (Psalm 119:93)
Memorials often urge us never to forget the tragedy or atrocity being memorialized, so that we don’t repeat it. The psalmist urges us to follow his lead in resolving never to forget God’s precepts for a very different reason.Music Credi...
Season 6
Episode 2

Noah’s Righteousness and Blamelessness (Genesis 6:9)
Genesis 6:9 begins the third of the ten “accounts” that make up the book of Genesis (2:4ff; 5:1ff; 6:9ff; 10:1ff; 11:10ff; 11:27ff; 25:12ff; 25:19ff; 36:1ff; 37:2ff). The “account of Noah” begins by talking about Noah’s righteousness and blamel...
Season 6
Episode 1

How Are You Doing with Your Affliction? (Psalm 119:92)
How are you doing with your affliction? Whether your affliction is a disease, adverse people or circumstances, wrestling with your conscience, wrestling with unhealthy desires, wrestling with the meaning of life, or facing up to the reality of ...
Season 5
Episode 34