Passage, Paragraph, and Prayer
“Passage, Paragraph, and Prayer” is a biweekly devotional podcast. Each episode consists of a passage from the Bible, a paragraph meditating on that passage, and a closing prayer. This podcast is produced by Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Winner, South Dakota.
Podcasting since 2021 • 308 episodes
Passage, Paragraph, and Prayer
Latest Episodes
How Are You Doing with Your Affliction? (Psalm 119:92)
How are you doing with your affliction? Whether your affliction is a disease, adverse people or circumstances, wrestling with your conscience, wrestling with unhealthy desires, wrestling with the meaning of life, or facing up to the reality of ...
Season 5
Episode 34
The Favor Noah Found (Genesis 6:8)
In Genesis 6:9 we’re told that, in the midst of an increasingly and breathtakingly wicked world, Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generations, and he made his way through life with God. But before we get there, Genesis 6:8 tells us wh...
Season 5
Episode 33
Still Standing at God’s Word (Psalm 119:91)
In the first three verses of the twelfth stanza of Psalm 119 (vv. 89–91), the psalmist praises the Lord’s word by going back to its first use, the creation of the universe, and noting how we can still see the effects of that first use to this d...
Season 5
Episode 32
When God Rages (Genesis 6:5–7)
The only reason we are able to rage is because we humans were originally created in the image of God, and God is capable of rage too. But his rage is much different from ours.Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsi...
Season 5
Episode 31
The Character of God’s Word on Display in the Earth (Psalm 119:90)
In the first three verses of the twelfth stanza of Psalm 119 (vv. 89–91), the psalmist praises the Lord’s word by going back to its first use, the creation of the universe, and noting how we can still see the effects of that first use to this d...
Season 5
Episode 30