Passage, Paragraph, and Prayer
“Passage, Paragraph, and Prayer” is a biweekly devotional podcast. Each episode consists of a passage from the Bible, a paragraph meditating on that passage, and a closing prayer. This podcast is produced by Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Winner, South Dakota.
322 episodes
Wisdom Superior to That of Our Teachers (Psalm 119:99)
Psalm 119:99 continues a string of three verses where the psalmist reflects on the outstanding effects of God’s word by listing three groups of people who cannot stand up to its wisdom. In this devotion, we consider how God’s word gives us more...
Season 6
Episode 14

The Miraculous Sign before the Flood (Genesis 6:17b–20)
God commanded Noah to bring pairs of all the land creatures with him on the ark. But to enable him to fulfill that command, God also performed a miracle—which would be essentially the last sign and call to repentance for the rest of humanity.
Season 6
Episode 13

Wisdom Superior to That of Our Enemies (Psalm 119:98)
Psalm 119:98 begins a string of three verses where the psalmist reflects on the outstanding effects of God’s word by listing three groups of people who cannot stand up to its wisdom. In this devotion, we compare the wisdom God’s word gives to t...
Season 6
Episode 12

God’s Covenant Continues with Noah (Genesis 6:14–18)
The Bible doesn’t record the history of Noah and his family just because they were the sole survivors of the Flood. There is another, even more important reason that Noah and his family figure prominently in the Scriptures.Music Credit: ...
Season 6
Episode 11

Food for Thought All Day Long (Psalm 119:97)
A really good novel or well-written essay can give you food for thought for weeks or even months, but only God’s word gives you subject matter you can muse on throughout the day, every day, no matter what else you may be doing.Music Cred...
Season 6
Episode 10

Non-Optional Testimony (Genesis 6:14–17)
The construction assignment God gave Noah put him in a situation where he would have to testify about God’s word to his unbelieving neighbors. The commandments we have from God are really no different. We need God’s mercy and strength to fulfil...
Season 6
Episode 9

A River for Lambs and Elephants (Psalm 119:96)
In this devotion, we wrap up the twelfth stanza of Psalm 119 by considering the unexhausted and inexhaustible treasures lying there for everyone, of every age and ability, in God’s word.Music Credit: Johann Sebastian Bach, Trio from Bran...
Season 6
Episode 8

Exemption from “All Flesh” (Genesis 6:9–13)
How could God say to Noah, “An end to all flesh has occurred to me,” and not include Noah and his family? How could Noah and his family be exempted from ”all flesh”? Perhaps more importantly, how do we exempt ourselves from the destruction that...
Season 6
Episode 7

Avoiding Ambush (Psalm 119:95)
The wicked love to lie in wait for the faithful and to trap them—to trap them doing wrong, or to trap them with questions they can’t answer. What is the solution for the faithful?Music Credit: Johann Sebastian Bach, Trio from Brandenburg...
Season 6
Episode 6

An Earth Filled with Corruption (Genesis 6:9–11)
As we read the description of the earth in Genesis 6:9–11, we can’t help but ask, “Is this describing life on earth more than 4,000 years ago, or life on earth today?”Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schri...
Season 6
Episode 5

To Whom Do You Belong? (Psalm 119:94)
Even though we don’t like the idea of belonging to someone else, it’s simply a fact that everybody is the property of someone else, to one extent or another. (Think of how often you use “my” or “mine” in relation to those around you.) So when t...
Season 6
Episode 4

Swimming Against the Worldly Current (Genesis 6:9)
Noah is described as “blameless in his generations,” and that really meant something in his time.Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten,” aria from “Jesu, der du meine Seele,” BWV 78 (Leipzig, 1724).
Season 6
Episode 3

Never Forget (Psalm 119:93)
Memorials often urge us never to forget the tragedy or atrocity being memorialized, so that we don’t repeat it. The psalmist urges us to follow his lead in resolving never to forget God’s precepts for a very different reason.Music Credi...
Season 6
Episode 2

Noah’s Righteousness and Blamelessness (Genesis 6:9)
Genesis 6:9 begins the third of the ten “accounts” that make up the book of Genesis (2:4ff; 5:1ff; 6:9ff; 10:1ff; 11:10ff; 11:27ff; 25:12ff; 25:19ff; 36:1ff; 37:2ff). The “account of Noah” begins by talking about Noah’s righteousness and blamel...
Season 6
Episode 1

How Are You Doing with Your Affliction? (Psalm 119:92)
How are you doing with your affliction? Whether your affliction is a disease, adverse people or circumstances, wrestling with your conscience, wrestling with unhealthy desires, wrestling with the meaning of life, or facing up to the reality of ...
Season 5
Episode 34

The Favor Noah Found (Genesis 6:8)
In Genesis 6:9 we’re told that, in the midst of an increasingly and breathtakingly wicked world, Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generations, and he made his way through life with God. But before we get there, Genesis 6:8 tells us wh...
Season 5
Episode 33

Still Standing at God’s Word (Psalm 119:91)
In the first three verses of the twelfth stanza of Psalm 119 (vv. 89–91), the psalmist praises the Lord’s word by going back to its first use, the creation of the universe, and noting how we can still see the effects of that first use to this d...
Season 5
Episode 32

When God Rages (Genesis 6:5–7)
The only reason we are able to rage is because we humans were originally created in the image of God, and God is capable of rage too. But his rage is much different from ours.Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsi...
Season 5
Episode 31

The Character of God’s Word on Display in the Earth (Psalm 119:90)
In the first three verses of the twelfth stanza of Psalm 119 (vv. 89–91), the psalmist praises the Lord’s word by going back to its first use, the creation of the universe, and noting how we can still see the effects of that first use to this d...
Season 5
Episode 30

A Heartbroken God (Genesis 6:5–6)
How does God feel about our sins? What do they do to him? Genesis 6:5–6 answers these questions in soul-stirring language.Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten,” aria from “Jesu, der du meine Seele,”...
Season 5
Episode 29

The Character of God’s Word on Display in the Heavens (Psalm 119:89)
In this devotion, we begin looking at the twelfth stanza of Psalm 119. In the first three verses of this stanza (vv. 89–91), the psalmist praises the Lord’s word by going back to its first use, the creation of the universe, and noting how we ca...
Season 5
Episode 28

There But by the Grace of God (Genesis 6:5)
The Lord says of mankind before the Flood that “every formation of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil all the time.” But before we think that humans were somehow extra corrupt during that time, we need to remember that the Lord says the...
Season 5
Episode 27

In Need of Reviving (Psalm 119:88)
By the time we get to the end of the eleventh stanza of Psalm 119, we're probably left with two impressions: 1) Being a Christian can wear a person out, and 2) the psalmist has nearly superhuman resilience. But the psalmist himself makes it cle...
Season 5
Episode 26

The Nephilim (Genesis 6:1–4)
When interpreters go astray in interpreting Genesis 6:1–2, they also go astray in identifying the people that Moses calls “the Nephilim.” In this episode, we explore who the Nephilim were and see how they continue to be a cautionary example to ...
Season 5
Episode 25

Indestructible (Psalm 119:87)
In Psalm 119:87, the psalmist acknowledges the harm that persecutors can do and have done to him. But he also makes clear that they are incapable of actual destroying him.Music Credit: Johann Sebastian Bach, Trio from Brandenburg Concer...
Season 5
Episode 24