Passage, Paragraph, and Prayer
“Passage, Paragraph, and Prayer” is a biweekly devotional podcast. Each episode consists of a passage from the Bible, a paragraph meditating on that passage, and a closing prayer. This podcast is produced by Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Winner, South Dakota.
Passage, Paragraph, and Prayer
Setting Consequences (Genesis 6:1–3)
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Season 5
Episode 23
Two of the toughest traits of good parenting to put into practice are setting consequences for wrongdoing and enforcing them. The Lord does both, because he cannot just wink at sin, both because it would be contrary to his nature and because it would not be good for us.
Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten,” aria from “Jesu, der du meine Seele,” BWV 78 (Leipzig, 1724).